Summer course 2022
~Learning Japanese Language in August Available~
MACHI Japanese Academy offers several Japanese language programs in the summer of 2022. Students can study in the classroom or online. Please join our class!
Weekday class in MJA
①Marugoto Beginner class(N5)
②Marugoto Elementary 1 class(N4)
③JLPT N2/N1 grammer class
④Daily Topics class (N3, N2 level)
Weekend class in MJA
⑤Weekend, Marugoto Beginner class(N5)
⑥Weekend, JLPT N2/N1 Grammar class
⑦Weekend, Daily Topics class, N3/N2 level
①&② Weekday in August
③&④ Weekday in August
⑤, ⑥&⑦ Weekend in August
●Relax and friendly atmosphere♪
●Small classes, less than 5 students
●Lessons in the classroom or online (via Google Meet) available
●At the time of absent, students can study with on-demand recording.
*If you would like to check the class level, please come to school in advance. ★Reservation is necessary for school visit.
*We record the video of the lessons each time. The recording is focusing on the teacher and the white bord. We will not record the studetns face.Recording is used for our school material only.
*Due to the COVID-19 period, the schdule may change. In this case, we will inform you the alternative date.
♪Weekday class
① Marugoto Begineer class, N5
60 min × 12 Lessons:¥20,000
Lessons: Mon, Wed, Fri
Date: August 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th,
12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 22nd,
24th, 26th
Each time: 60 mins, 10:00~11:00
Number of lessons:12 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Learning new: Basic conversation
Course textbook:
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・入門(A1)かつどう ¥1,650-
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・入門(A1)りかい ¥1,870-

② Marugoto Elementary 1 class, N4
60 min × 12 Lessons:¥20,000
Lessons: Mon, Wed, Fri
Date: August 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th,
12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 22nd,
24th, 26th
Each time: 60 mins, 11:15~12:15
Number of lessons:12 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Learning new: Te-form, Ru-form
Course textbook:
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・初級1(A2)かつどう ¥1,980-
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・初級1(A2)りかい ¥2,090-

③ JLPT N2/N1 Grammar class
50 min × 4 Lessons:¥7,000
50 min × 8 Lessons:¥13,000
Lessons: Tue, Thu,
Date: August 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th,
16th, 18th, 23th, 25th,
Each time: 50 mins, 11:10~12:00
Number of lessons:8 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Larning new: N1 grammar and N2 review
Course textbook: None
-School original material, N1 grammar
(Material fee is including in course fees)
④ Daily Topics class (N3, N2 level)
50 min × 4 Lessons:¥7,000
50 min × 8 Lessons:¥13,000
Lessons: Tue, Thu,
Date: August 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th,
16th, 18th, 23th, 25th,
Each time: 50 mins, 12:10~13:00
Number of lessons:8 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Larning new: Increase vocab. and talking
Course textbook: None
-School original material, Topic 1 to 8
(Material fee is including in course fees)
1. 円安と値上げラッシュ
2. 世界の天気/金沢の天気
3. コロナ第7波
4. 予備日
5. 金沢の和菓子
6. 安倍元首相銃撃事件
7. 日本の災害/珠洲地震
8. 予備日
♪Weekend class
⑤ Weekend, Marugoto Beginner class (N5)
60 min × 4 Lessons:¥8,000
Lessons: Sunday
Date: August 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Each time: 60 mins, 10:00~11:00
Number of lessons:4 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Larning new: Basic conversation
Course textbook:
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・入門(A1)かつどう ¥1,650-
-まるごと日本のことばと文化・入門(A1)りかい ¥1,870-
⑥ Weekend, JLPT N2/N1 Grammar class
50 min × 4 Lessons:¥7,000
Lessons: Sunday
Date: August 7th, 14th, 21th, 28th,
Each time: 50 mins, 11:10~12:00
Number of lessons:4 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Larning new: N2 review and N1 Grammar
Course textbook: None
-School original material, Day 1 to 4
(Material fee is including in course fees)
⑦ Weekend, Daily Topics class (N3, N2 level)
50 min × 4 Lessons:¥7,000
Lessons: Sunday
Date: August 7th, 14th, 21th, 28th,
Each time: 50 mins, 12:10~13:00
Number of lessons:4 lessons
Class size: 1 to 5 people
Larning new: Increase vocab. and talking
Course textbook: None
-School original material, Topic 1 to 4
(Material fee is including in course fees)
1. 円安と値上げラッシュ
2. 世界の天気/金沢の天気
3. コロナ第7波
4. 予備日
MJA で一緒に楽しく勉強しましょう!